
CounterPower's Political Committee authored a series of documents to close our ranks around a common ideological and political orientation. This series of documents have been adopted unanimously by delegates to our 2023 Organizational Congress as CounterPower's Draft Platform.

1. The Weapon of Theory. This document covers dialectical and historical materialism, social investigation and compositional analysis, and criticism, self-criticism, and summation.

2. Imperialism and Revolution. This document applies dialectical and historical materialism to the study of capitalist-imperialism.

3. A System of Counterpower. This document summarizes our perspective on the pedagogy and methodology of revolutionary organizing, including the mass perspective and mass line, as well as the primary forms of organized autonomy we believe need to be construction by the masses in struggle. These forms include people's mass organizations, defense organizations, revolutionary party organizations, intermediate organizations, and the united front.

4. The Socialist Transition to Communism. This document elaborates a strategic orientation for protracted revolutionary struggle and our conception of 'socialism' not as a distinct social system or mode of production, but as a period of revolutionary transition in which a non-communist society is transformed into a communist society.

With our Draft Platform adopted and published, CounterPower's Political Committee will be releasing a series of documents further elaborating our organization's vision of the socialist people's commune in the period of transition, as well as a critical analysis and summation of lessons learned from socialist experiments in the twentieth century.